Princeton Seminary | Accreditation

Accreditation & Educational Effectiveness


Princeton Theological Seminary is accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, 1007 North Orange Street, 4th Floor, MB #166, Wilmington, DE 19801 and by the Commission on Accrediting of the Association of Theological Schools, 10 Summit Park Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15275-1110 (412-788-6505). Princeton Seminary is also licensed by the State of New Jersey. Princeton Theological Seminary has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements.

The following degree programs are approved: MACEF, MDiv, MDiv/MACEF, MTS, MAT, MTE, ThM, PhD

To file a complaint with Princeton Seminary’s Accreditors and/or with its State Licensing Entity (New Jersey Association of Colleges and Universities), refer to this link (pdf).

Statement of Educational Effectiveness

Princeton Theological Seminary is a school dedicated to forming women and men in service to Jesus Christ for leadership in changing churches and to serving as an unsurpassed resource for Reformed theology worldwide.

The Seminary engages in ongoing evaluation of its educational effectiveness which, as an institution of the PC(USA), is measured in part through: 1) graduation rates, 2) completion rates, 3) PC(USA) ordination exam pass rates, 4) students’ rating of effectiveness in preparation with primary areas of the core curriculum, and 5) placement.

1. Graduation rates for 2021-2022 class: 96% for Master of Divinity, 100% for Master of Arts in Christian Education and Formation, 92% for Master of Arts (Theological Studies), 82% for Master of Theology (ThM), and 60% for Doctor of Philosophy (PhD).

2. Completion rates for the 2021-2022 graduating class:

    • 80% of the Master of Divinity (MDiv) graduates completed the degree in three years or less, 19% in four years, and 1% in five years.
    • 90% of the Master of Theology (ThM) graduates completed the degree in one year and 10% in two years.
    • 100% of the Master of Arts in Christian Education and Formation (MACEF) graduates completed the degree in two years.
    • 70% of the Master of Arts (Theological Studies) graduates completed the degree in two years, 10% in three years, and 20% in four years.
    • 100% of the Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) graduates completed the degree in six or more years.

    3. PC(USA) April 2022 ordination exam pass rates for Princeton Theological Seminary students:

    • Biblical Exegesis: 70% (national average: 71%)
    • Theological Competence: 90% (national average: 77%)
    • Worship and Sacraments: 93% (national average: 81%)
    • Polity: 89% (national average: 74%)

    4. 2022 graduating MDiv students’ rating of PTS’ educational effectiveness in facilitating skills in areas of the core curriculum as reported on the ATS Graduating Student Questionnaire (Average rating based on a 5-point scale: 1-Not at all effective, 2-Not very effective, 3-Somewhat effective, 4-Effective, 5-Very effective). Items rated the highest (out of 21) include the following:

    • Ability to think theologically: 4.4
    • Ability to relate social issues to faith: 4.3
    • Ability to work effectively with women and men: 4.1
    • Ability to use and interpret Scripture: 4.0
    • Ability to preach well: 3.9
    • Ability to interact effectively with those from cultural and racial/ethnic contexts other than my own: 3.9
    • Ability to lead others: 3.8
    • Ability to work effectively within my own religious tradition: 3.8
    • Awareness and appreciation of the globalized context in which ministry is practiced 3.8

    5. Placement information for various graduating classes:

      MDiv, Dual, MA(TS), and MACEF Graduates

      • Placement for the 2021-2022 graduating MDiv, Dual, MA(TS), and MACEF students who have reported to the Placement Office - 68% in vocational church ministry placement, 1% in non-church placement, 12% on to further study, 0% seeking placement, and 19% unknown.
        • Church ministry - pastor (senior/associate/youth/campus), Christian education director
        • Non-church ministry - chaplain (college/hospital/military), teacher at a Christian school

      PhD Graduates

      • Placement for PhD graduates from 2011-2022 - 54% in higher education faculty positions, 7% in contingent faculty positions, 15% in professional clergy/ministry positions, 3% in post-doctoral fellowships, 21% in other professional positions (private and non-profit enterprises, higher education administration).
      • PTS PhD graduates are serving at institutions such as Busan Presbyterian University (Korea), California Lutheran Theological Seminary, Canadian Mennonite University, Candler School of Theology, China Graduate School of Theology, Drew University, Duke Divinity School, Eastern Mennonite Seminary, Evangelical Theological Seminary (Cairo, Egypt), Fuller Theological Seminary, George Fox University, Hartford International University, Lancaster Theological Seminary, Oklahoma State University, , Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, Princeton Theological Seminary, Seattle Pacific University, Seigakuin University (Japan), The Stevenson School for Ministry, Taiwan Theological Seminary, Tokyo Christian University, Torch Trinity Graduate University (Korea), Union Presbyterian Seminary, University of Greenland, University of Texas, Villanova University, Wartburg College, Wartburg Theological Seminary, Wesley Theological Seminary, Wheaton College, Yale Divinity School, and others.

      Educating faithful Christian leaders.

      Author, Speaker, Ordained Minister

      Danielle Shroyer, Class of 1999

      “To be in a community where I got to hear so many different perspectives—that was profound for me. I’m grateful for the curiosity, for the practice of learning that was cultivated for me at Seminary.”